What does a photobooth rental include?
It includes the delivery and setup of the photobooth, an attendant to run the booth, prints on the spot, props, and a digital copy of all the prints (emailed within 15 business days). You can also include a logo or a caption on all your prints.
Is it an actual physical booth like at the malls?
No. It is an “open concept” photobooth. Like a portrait studio. It uses a fabric backdrop on a truss system, lighting, a Canon T2i camera, and hi-res printer. We use this style because more people can fit in a picture, and the setup is more portable – allowing us to set up in virtually any space.
How many prints are allowed?
You are allowed unlimited prints in the time allowed. this means every photo taken will be printed on the spot.
How long does it take for a guest to go through the photobooth?
It takes approximately two minutes.
What space is required for the booth?
The ideal space is 4’x8’, however we can work under smaller space restrictions.
What size are the prints?
They are 4”x6” colour professional prints.
How long does it take to setup and does this go against my purchased time?
it takes about 15 mins to set up and take down and this does not go against your time.
What do we need to provide?
We need you to provide us a space close to a power outlet (within 10 feet) and a small table.
What props do you provide?
Our props are funny sunglasses, hats, wigs and props. You may provide your own if you like.
Do you allow your booth outside?
We do not prefer this setup but will allow it under certain circumstances. Some elements of the booth may not be provided (like the backdrop because it may blow away). At the first chance of rain the booth will have to close.
What colour is your backdrop and do we have a choice?
No you do not have a choice. A professional backdrop will be provided free of charge upon request.
Can we provide our own backdrop?
Yes you can. You must have it set up upon our arrival. The recommended size for a backdrop is 10 feet x 12’.
Do you do custom backdrops?
No. You are free to provide your own.
How much are extra hours?
$150 per hour.
What is an idle hour and how much are they?
An idle hour is an hour where the booth is not operational, therefore not counting against your purchased time. They are $50 per hour and are only sold in one hour blocks and must be used all in one hour. It cannot be split into 15 or 30 minute intervals.
What can I put in my caption?
You can put anything you like. For example “Happy Birthday John!”, “Main Street High School Grad, 2013”, “Mike and Jan, September 1st, 2013”. You can put more if you like, but space is limited on the prints. The approximate size can be up to 500 pixels x 630 pixels (pORTRAIT).
What do I need to do to send you a logo, or image?
You can send it in to info@guestlistdj.com. It can be virtually any image file (JPEG, PNG, PSD, PDF etc).